Leo Jansen’s secret propaganda diary
In Deze Halve gevangenis by Dr Leo Jansen,

Leo Jansen was a multilingual senior member of the Dutch Colonial administration who was forced to serve in the Japanese Propaganda bureau established by the Japanese Imperial sixteenth army in Batavia ( Jakarta) , shortly after the Netherlands Indies capitulated.
During his time of service he maintained a detailed secret diary that casts a a fascinating light on the interaction of a very diverse group of people, many of whom were here against their will, knew how the war was unfolding and engaged in philosophical discussions about the struggle between European and Asian viewpoints.
Leo Jansen became acutely aware toward the end of the war that the Netherlands East Indies government in exile, base on Brisbane , had a totally unrealistic grasp on the political situation on Java. He made a secret, but failed attempt to raise the alarm , was caught , tortured, narrowly survived the war but died in hospital. His diary was found but its significance and authorship remained unknown until 1968.
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