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Japanese Prison Camp, Page 2


Semarang The city of Semarang, on the north coast of mid java, was the site of  a number of Civilian POW camps. …


Lampersari Lampersari prison camp for women and children , was one of the  the worst of the women’s and children’s camps on …

De Auteur , zeven jaar oud in Tjideng

Kamp Kind Syndroom-PTSD

Kamp Kind Syndroom-PTSD Kampsyndroom  is in dit artiekel de negatieve nawerking van het kamp leven ervaren door kinderen in hun naoorlogse leven. …

Main entrance of Tangerang (LOG) Youth detention centre


Tangerang Prison Camp Tangerang Prison camp was a women’s and children’s World War II concentration camp on Java History and Location Before the …

Ambarawa area prison camps, Java


Ambarawa  Ambarawa area in central Java held a large number of civilian prisoners at the end of the war in three separate …

Java Prison Camp Kampong Makassar

Kampong Makassar

Kampong Makassar Kampong Makassar Location: This  POW and civilian internment camp was located about 6 km south of Batavia in a coconut …

De Auteur , zeven jaar oud in Tjideng

Camp Children

Camp Children Soon after the Pacific War ended the notion of “camp children”  (Kamp kinderen in Dutch)  became known among  Red Cross …

Tjihapit boundary

Tjihapit Camp

Tjihapit Camp was the biggest of the Bandoeng Camps for Women and Children in South East Asia.

Tjideng Prison Camp

Tjideng Prison Camp. The Tjideng Prison Camp for women and children was initially declared a “protected area” as of August 1942.  It …

Overview of POW and Civioian internmetn camps in th Bandoeng area

Bandoeng Camps

Bandoeng Camps About twenty Bandoeng Camps were in existence during the Pacific War. Of these by far the biggest and most important …